3倍过载能力、电机低扭矩纹波以及驱动与电机的完美整合使用方便快速便捷的伺服优化和机械优化简单易用的sinamicsv-assistant调试工具兼容plc和运动控制器的双通道脉冲设定值通用sd卡参数复制电机电缆连接器可旋转,支持多角度旋转,可快速锁紧/释放运行可靠宽泛的电压适应范围:380v~480v,-15%/10%pcb涂层保证驱动器在严苛环境中的稳定性高品质的电机轴承电机保护等级ip65,轴端标配油封集全扭矩停止(sto)功能 areaofapplication 典型应用装卸机:如码垛机包装机:如贴标机、枕式包装机自动组装机刀具切换机印刷机:如丝网印花机缠绕机金属成型机:如折弯机 design sinamicsv90功率范围:0.4kw~7kw电压范围:3ac380v~480v(-15% /10%) simotics s-1fl63种电机轴高:sh45、sh65和sh90mm额定速度:2000rpm/3000rpm额定扭矩:1.27nm~33.4nm可用编码器:增量编码器2500s/r(13位分辨率)和**编码器(20位分辨率)保护等级:ip65(包括接头及轴端),自冷却可选配抱闸可选配光轴或带键轴 programming sinamicsv-assistant调试工具 v90提供了一款通过mini usb连接至驱动器的pc调试软件,可方便地进行参数设置、系统优化、试运行、故障排除与监控(如曲线跟踪与测量功能)等相关操作,简化调试,优化系统。 通过标准的mini-usb与计算机连接图形化的参数配置,逐步指导用户进行设备调试提供中文版本,支持在线语言切换功能丰富全面 -trace功能 -机械分析功能 -控制面板 -参数修改 -一键伺服优化功能 -状态监控asm 830012761 relay, emo
asm 830013253 valve man. 6lv-dafr4 absphahn gas
asm 830015892 relay, isolation fault
asm 830016678 power supply, rlc a
asm 830016708 valve type mfh-3-1/8"festo 24v
asm 830017372 contactor, 110vac 3p
asm 830017550 ring centre nw100
asm 830030786 press, trans 622a-1
asm 830036539 brake, for btm
asm 830036660 flowmeter, water 7.
asm 830046623 motor, 10w gearhead encoder
asm 830056858 filter, inverter freq 480
asm 830062041 splitter, touch ce
asm 830063374 sensor, prox. ind nt3 no pnp
asm 872086 asm spindle take up for printer
asm 8820 pneu-valve,for cvd - door
asm 91210-35043 valve/pneumatic-kd4cs-vfc-std(slow pump)
asm 91211-35018a manual valve-kd4ms-vc-ep
asm 91214-09002 monostar gauge dbuze100
asm 91218-04006 digital meter relay/gc97-111
asm 91233-32024 gasket upg-6.35g (pack of 10)
asm 91361-00004 o-ring viton rc seal
asm 91361-00021 o-ring shower plate seal(l ower)
asm 91361-00291 o-ring du351 dpn01 p-49
asm 91361-00306 o-ring du351 dpn01 p-300
asm 91361-00307 o-ring du351 dpn01 p-315
asm 91361-00323 o-ring du351dv01 v24
asm 91361-00325 o-ring dupra du351)du351 dan01_1_263
asm 91361-73129 o-ring viton as568a-464
asm 93000-01109 wafer aligner(sal4381)
asm 93000-01991 fan/ac (mu1238a-12b)
asm 93000-02083 os9/cpu board
asm 93000-02767 temp contorller
asm 95101-82001 sheath(k) t-35-2
asm 95406-71001 inconel bolt vibm4?16l(461143)
asm 95406-71004 inconel bolt vibm4?6l(461140)
asm 967403-2446 power supply pcb
asm 9845a-m asm auto flat finder
asm ahl240-8-15 ssent-ss sort helium gas regulator
asm b25 belt t5-185-10 (tubeloader/x-achse)
asm d003747a quartz, vessel
asm d005027c base plate, rc
asm d005104a susceptor, 300mm
asm f13 t-union pocl
asm fb6-000-102 contact block tube rear
asm fb6-0000-109 boat contactor 5" pxx
asm fj-322 b bottom
asm fj-323 b side
asm fj-336 b top asm
asm fkm130.11 air flow monidor 8002 a
asm h8710-1 asm hydrometer 6" 1.0-1.225
asm lc1-1ap00001 controller, spin motor, equinox, (automation inc.)
asm lc1-d3210f7 contactor
asm lc1-d804b relay, 220v vac 125a
asm lc1-f115 relay 115a 3p
asm mcs1001egh filter cartridge
asm na4000-01 asm wire basket for pa194-60mb 6" carriers
asm na4070-01 asm wire basket for e90-101/102 trays
asm ov0010/ov310 relay
asm r-5510 type-h-10 colormtrc (pack of 30)
asm s330029 bracket, injector multi-port a400
asm t-35-2 thermo couple sheathe = 100mm
asml 03-110887d01 pcb, assy - rps processor
asml 03-111827d01 ae generator interface pcb
asml 03-118566d01 alarm trigger pcb
asml 04-328064-01 kit,pin,susceptor,ring
asml 04-328064-01 kit,pin,susceptor,ring
asml 06-2776115-3 power distribution board
asml 083476-000 lamp,ir,qtz,clr,1600w,230
asml 083532-000 fitting plumbing ss connector male
asml 087180-000 tool spring oval head retaining
asml 104497-01 flag oxide door v6-1
asml 107556 display driver/keyboard interface pcb
asml 121-201 controller, temp
asml 121-201-f controller, temp
asml 121-201x controller, temp
asml 121-336 controller,temp
asml 15862-01 shaft,dampener
asml 15863-01 dampener
asml 16-103311c01 tool, wrench, spanner
asml 16-109550d01 shield
asml 16-110195c01 shaft - a-z, axis drive
asml 16-329085d01 support,susceptor,h2
asml 16-329997d01 susceptor,h2,bottom,200mm,xycarb,8.85
asml 16-329999d01 susceptor,h2,top,200mm,xycarb,8.85
asml 16-331730b01 flowguide, lenticular
asml 200061.01 tubeloader control panel
asml 2019272-01 pcb signal distribution
asml 224-070 controller,logic
asml 232620022.1 board, power control, dc/ac, r
asml 232720140.11 pc board assy
asml 232720180.11 pc board assy
asml 232720320.11 analog input pcb
asml 253a-4-3-2 valve, exhaust throttle
asml 28-58498-01 kit, power chill plate 200mm
asml 28-58498-02 kit, power chill crate 300mm
asml 2rk6gk-a2 motor, drive, for a/l, 2rk6gk-
asml 2rk6gk-a2 motor, drive, for a/l, 2rk6gk-
asml 311-146 controller
asml 311-146 controller
asml 337-5003 tcu controller
asml 35950505e pcb, roam adapter, pgm
asml 38464-01 arm, centering device, ungr
asml 38464-01 arm, centering device, ungr
asml 38464-02 arm, centering device, grd
asml 4022.436.46004 wafer & reticle stage rack
asml 4022.436.67781 airmount cable
asml 4022.436.70703 pcb ssc pannel/500
asml 4022.436.81831 kit assy, status lamp
asml 4022.454.56682 chuck assy
asml 4022.471.6615 pcb analog i/o
asml 4022.484.96532 atwt 15 coil limms assy
asml 4022.502.04499 arms anti-contamination upgr.1
asml 4022.502.15260 cold light source
asml 4022.502.15518 cleaning tool
asml 4022.502.25123 lampholder
asml 4022.502.35595 pcb analog i/o
asml 4022.594.50966 driver board
asml 436.31591 pcb relay board
asml 4b001-396an positioning pin unit 425/i1
asml 58723-01 200mm tongue gripper
asml 631230220-00 analog input converter pcb
asml 631230230.00 pwba thyristor controller
asml 631410070.00 pwba torch safety
asml 632610150.00 assy pcb x-interface
asml 632610160.00 pcb
asml 632610170.00 pcb
asml 632610180.00 pcb
asml 632620060.00 pcb assy
asml 632630170.00 pcb back panel loader
asml 632630180.00 pcb
asml 632630270.00 pwba sensor
asml 632720091.00 pcb assy
asml 632720140.00 pcb digital i/o
asml 632720300.00 pcb assy
asml 632720350.00 pcb cpu loader
asml 632720380.00 pcb labnet
asml 632720480.00 pcb assy-mem 512k
asml 632730160.00 keyboard & printer i/f pcb
asml 6800237026 lamp,hsg,250-500w
asml 6810057816 cb,2p,10a
asml 6810057817 cb-3p20a
asml 6810057818 cb,3p,25a
asml 6810111087 lamp,24v
asml 6810181009 switch,mod,transducer
asml 6820170r47 inert gas purifier
asml 690-8226-001 solenoid 24vdc angar 690-8226-001
asml 690-8228-001 solenoid 24vdc angar 690-8228-001
asml 700016-001 filter, hepa 30x44x3 0.12 um vtr6000
asml 70055-000921 finger vac. robot
asml 70055-70213b screw cap
asml 70055-71385 ni bolt l120 m5x20
asml 70107-00001a thermocouple assy n-99114b1
asml 705148-003 switch,set,pushbutton
asml 705148-004 switch,pushbutton,eaton-e22nb3n25
asml 805 packing, solvent ex
asml 815001-716 tcjnjector
asml 8510730001 sensor,emitter
asml 8518118005 pcb,opos,sensor,zero
asml 8518518005 pcb,a/d,trans,a5162,a5163
asml 8518942001 pcb,encoder,buffer
asml 8540138001 a1,prime
asml 8540194001 assy,mirror,cell
asml 8588020003 interface
asml 8588093001 library interupter pcb a-2755
asml 859-0866-004 pcb,a5158/9-dmc-scan,arm
asml 859-8276-001 pcb,ss,relay
asml 859-9485-003 framing blade assy r/h
asml 859-9631-001 4x autocal test reticle
asml 8590082003 pcb,fovus,sen,uppr
asml 8590541008 stage,mtr,x&y
asml 8590571002 assy,universal,trans z16686-3
asml 8590903007 pcb,a2363-coil,pl,i/f
asml 8599498002 axiom camera tm-745i
asml 8790054002 waterflow,sw-illum
asml 8790084001 detector,photo
asml 8798060003 pcb,joy/stack.lt-iws
asml 8798166001 pcb,out/in,sens
asml 8798167001 pcb.in/out,sensor
asml 8798167001 pcb.in/out,sensor
asml 900168 pcb
asml 900466 display driver/keyboard interface pcb
asml 900470 system interface pcb
asml 900482 display driver/keyboard interface pcb
asml 900659-001 drive, shaft
asml 900688 aux mem./timing/t.c. amp sv proms pcb
asml 906739-001 elbow.exhaust
asml 906796-001 mainifold check leak cabinet bubbler
asml 907773-002 flow restrictor,h2,10slpm
asml 907862-002 cb,70a,3-pole,600vac,cb1
asml 908506-001 socket relay,octal,wago,tr10,15,cr12
asml 908508-007 cb,10a,2pole,480vac,cb5
asml 91321-52007 throttle valve
asml 91361-00004 o-ring p385
asml 93000-00454 digital tempcontroller (e5cs-q1kj)
asml 940494-001 insulation wand vacuum
asml 940495-001 insulation wand vacuum
asml 9428.999.80850 cover present
asml 9428.999.80990 ai bottom a adj .tool
asml 9428.999.81010 c6 calibration
asml 9428.999.81060 bsu duv target 1 assy
asml 9428.999.81070 bsu duv target 1 assy
asml 9428.999.81080 bsu duv target 1 assy
asml 9428.999.81200 diaphr 0,4 cm2 ophirsensor wl
asml 9428.999.81990 lm fc connector adaptor
asml 9428.999.82010 gross target bm-ref
asml 9428.999.82020 raster target bm -ref
asml 9428.999.82030 combi target za -ref
asml 9428.999.82050 lasterstar
asml 9428.999.82340 tis plate tool
asml 95101-82001 teos pipe thermocouple
asml 95101-83002 shower head thermocouple
asml 971548-001 mainifold check leak cabinet gas
asml 981155-001 filter, gas, mini
asml 986611-001 brg.rlr.muff.cool
asml 99-23217-01 chuck,spin,200mm
asml 99-38154-01 assy,arm 5"z-motion
asml 99-46702-01 chuck,pdpidev,delrin,200mm
asml 99-48549-01 chain,z-e,shut/ces
asml 99-58792-02 coat dispense, z arm 5" cable
asml 99-62135-01 6mm working range sensor
asml 99-80408-01 si display
asml 99-80421-01 assembly motion back plane
asml 99-80427-01 pcb oem distribution
asml 99-83154-01 assy, arm5z-motion
asml e52-ca15a thermocouple 1.6m - 4m heated line tc
asml e52-ca15ad-3.2 thermocouple d=3.2 1m
asml fb4-3010-006 nut m6
asml fb4-3010-306 contact for disc boat
asml fb6-0000-072 handle 6" disk boa (100956)
asml fb6-0000-102 block, ceramic, large
asml g30 o-ring for eagle 10 oc-12973x
asml g3n-210b solid state relay (4-30vdc) 1494e7c
asml hbo 350w lamp short arc 350w (osram)
asml nd-ep-02-02-t1-e-t1 stinger,tok010,keyed,1l
asml p197950 lithoguard filters
asml p8 o-ring p8 for eagle 10
asml qf-40-150-ns pipe
asml qf25-100-mh20 flex hose s/s thin wall qf 20 x20 in
asml qf40-150-c clamp, nw40
asml qf40-150-e90 fitting, elbow
asml qf40-150-mh40 flex hose s/s thin wall qf 40 x40 in
asml qf40-750-sb flange

